Size (in inches): 5 x 7 (A-7)
Front Text: Nephew Bread of Life, Cup of Salvation, Body of Christ, Living Bread, Food of Angels, Bread from Heaven, Sacrifice of Thanksgiving, This is my body… Blood of the Covenant
Inside Text: Jesus comes to you in Holy Communion to feed you, love you, and fill you with His grace. May you always welcome His loving presence. Happy First Holy Communion to a Special Nephew!
Bible Verse: John 6:51b Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.
Item Details: Inset photo of priest elevating the Body of Christ at the top of the card. Below the picture are words and phrases related to First Communion rendered in a collage of several styles of calligraphy and colors. SKU: CB1842
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